News for February: 2025

Welcome to the collection of news articles gathered throughout February. The overriding theme for this month has undoubtedly been the rise of the 'broligarch'. Anyone with a smattering of history will be aware that the chief official of the Italian city states of the fifteenth Century was referred to as the 'Doge', which Elon Musk has appropriated for his canine currency, and 'Department of Government Efficiency'. The efficiency clearly refers to the application of wrecking balls rather than effective running. Many stand appalled. Many are fighting back. Since autocracies have no interest in the fate of the planet, I have added a new section: the Resistance, which may refer to good political initiatives as well as bad.

I hope you find items here interesting, and some nuggets of hope because, in the end, the only thing looking out for us is the rest of us.

Okay, dive in where you like:


The Ugly:

The Bad:

The Good: 

  • While AI is getting a bad rap for various reasons, it does have uses, when applied properly. One example is the analysis of birdsongs leading to the rediscovery of  the Plains Wanderer in Melbourne's western grassland areas.
  • Do the ground covering panels in solar farms block out other forms of agriculture? Well, the sheep seem to love them. (plenty of other benefits are being found in co-existing as well).
  • Farm activities generate a lot of greenhouse gases. Could they be improved by going all electric? Perhaps they could.
  • As we run out of it, land use is becoming an increasingly hot topic . What if we could obtain our protein needs from a tiny fraction of the land currently needed? Precision fermentation appears to offer that possibility. The drawback? The protein comes from bacteria. Not very appetising, perhaps, but wait! Let George Monbiot explain... 
  • When assessing the pros and cons of civic dam projects, and ruminating for years on the complaints of nimby objectors, sometimes nature throws a squad of beavers at the problem.


The Ugly:

The Bad:

The Good:


Before we get into this section, I would just like to present these two charts from the IEA showing projected global uptakes in nuclear and solar energy vs reality over time.

A case of seriously wishful thinking? I'm not sure whether to place this in the good, bad, or ugly category. Frankly, I would be ashamed to present these charts as serious forecasting. 

(For direct comparison, if we assume an average 8 hours/day of operation, 600GW of solar translates to about 2000TWhr pa. While this peak is below the nuclear plateau, for how much longer is that likely to be?)

The Ugly:

The Bad:

The Good: 


The very need for this section might be deemed 'ugly'. Nevertheless, it is clear the fossil fuel oligarchy is now moving openly to destroy the renewables industry and establish a mode of government more to their liking. This isn't just wrecking balls. Disinformation campaigns are a large part of the push. What's being done about it? Hopefully you can find out here.

The Ugly:

The Bad:

The Good: 

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